BяαηDяιѕѕ Bιтѕ

"I've вeeɴ ѕнoppιɴɢ αll мy SecoɴdLιғe αɴd ѕтιll нαve ɴoтнιɴɢ тo weαr!"

Thursday, 12 March 2015


That's just how I feel...

  Hair: Lelutka Honor  Lelutka
Crown: :FY: Fly Me Away Crown (white)  Forever Young
Ears: Mandala Taper Ears  Mandala
Nose Ring: Soonsiki Septum Ring  Soonsiki   
Top: Madison Store Mermaid Top  Madison Store MP
Pants: ::Maniac Store:: Manxt High Pants  TY   Maniac Store
Bracelet: Noodles Initial Bracelet Black  Noodles
Shoes: Not blogged!

Body: Maitreya Lara Mesh Body V2.1  Maitreya  
Hands: Maitreya Lara   Maitreya  Feet: Maitreya High Feet   
Nails: Maitreya Nail Hud Used
Pose Main Picture: Purple Poses Jane 02  Purple Poses
Pose Raw Pictures: Miamai Diamonds&Pearls 10  Ma Vie   
Destination:  Tillicum Island
TYSM Jossh & Gabi @ Maniac Store ♡


  Alaskametro @ Skin Fair 2015...

They are participating in Skin Fair 2015! The event runs from March 13-29, 2015.  alaskametro<3 skins are handdrawn with love. They are bald/hairless and makeupless so you can layer brows, hairbases, makeup etc. to make them your own. A freckled version is included and they include full appliers for Slink, the Omega System, #themeshproject and Loudmouth.

** Tones: Rose, Bronze and Cacao are EXCLUSIVE to Skin Fair until the event is over! Ivory will be on the Marketplace soon **

 There are so many makeup options with this skin! So here I have tried to give you an example of the full body, blank face with no makeup just my eyelashes, one with liner only, two random selections I selected with eyeshadow, liner and a lipstick and the final one is just to show you the makeup with the freckled skin.  I have absolutely loved going through all the options and wish I could have given all the examples but really soooo many options..the best thing you can do is after reading this go check it out at

Alaskametro<3 Skin Fair 2015

 IVORY  Full Body

No makeup just my eyelashes
                                 Liner only       Ist personal choice      2nd personal choice      freckled Example

 *Please note the examples are just purely my selection you have so many options to choose from.  I have tried to demonstrate different options throughout the skin range.  Keep reading and see examples and images of the range available.  Then get your butt there to try the demos!

ROSE Full Body
No makeup just my eyelashes
                                 Liner only       Ist personal choice      2nd personal choice      freckled Example

BRONZE Full Body
No makeup just my eyelashes
                                 Liner only       Ist personal choice      2nd personal choice      freckled Example

CACAU Full Body
No makeup just my eyelashes
                                 Liner only       Ist personal choice      2nd personal choice      freckled Example

1)   a clean base skin with no brows, no hair base, Brazilian waxed
2)   a freckled base skin with no brows, no hair base, Brazilian waxed
3)   a Slink Physique/Visage/hands/feet applier HUD for your skin
4)   an Omega applier HUD for your skin, that will work on Lolas
5)   a boxed Extended Pack makeup kit with 45 makeup tattoo layers
      20 eyes, 20 lips, 5 cheeks on tattoo layers for Classic avatars, Omega HUD, Loudmouth HUD
6)   a boxed Extended manicure/pedicure set with appliers for Slink, Omega, Eve & Maitreya Lara
7)   #themeshproject (TMP) installers
      includes base skin for body, face skin w/ 5 blushes, freckled versions
 8)   a Loudmouth applier HUD

 Light Skins

 Dark Skins

                                                  Extended manicure/pedicure set with appliers for Slink

alaskametro<3 Brows & Hairbases (6 colours available)

Brows include 3 shapes, a hairbase, and 2 ladygarden options. There are appliers for Slink, Omega (included for future compatibility; afaik there aren't heads that use Omega) and #themeshproject. There are tattoo layers with various combinations for Classic avatars. 




alaskametro<3 Skin Fair 2015 Exclusive Makeup

Each set includes 6 colours. Makeup includes tattoo layers for Classic avatars, #themeshproject installers, Slink Visage applier, Omega applier (works with Sweet Lips if you get the kit), and Loudmouth where applicable. 

Cleo Eyeshadow                                     Matte Smoke Eyeshadow 

 Smokeshow Eyeshadow

  Liquid Shine Lipsticks

Creme Red Lipsticks

** LiquidShine, Cleo and SmokeShow are EXCLUSIVE to Skin Fair until the event is over! Older makeups are in the process of being updated on the Marketplace. **

TYSM Alaskametro

 Both with windlight only